My blog is about Gods grace and about finding treasures in the darkness. It's about growing in my faith when it's hard and the darkness wants to consume me. We found out that our grandbabies Jayden and Brooklyn were diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Sanfilippo Syndrome and will possibly only live a short life. It's about our hope in God, finding him faithful and being amazed by grace.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I was thinking about the verse that says "a little child shall lead them." Well, when I take Jayden with me shopping, I usually go to the toy section and find him a toy to play with while I shop. Or if it's Stefanie and I shopping together we both have realized how that tactic works with Jayden. Just find him a new toy and he's completely satisfied to hold it and play with it while we're in the store and when it's time to leave, he graciously puts it back. He doesn't necessarily want it or ask for it or ever beg for it. I thought how often do I put things back when I'm shopping for something that I really want. I find I'm holding onto things with much less attachment. Things are nice, but they don't hold the value as they have had in the past. I can truly put them back, like Jayden. What a great lesson that has been for me and I love that about him. I knew that he would teach us many things and it's just the beginning.

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