I was wandering through an antique store just recently with my friend Chelsea. I think for us our hearts are stirred by things and memories. I'm glad she asked me to go. We are kindred spirits when it comes to seeking treasures.
My thoughts began to stir and my memories surfaced as I lingered over those long forgotten treasures.
But it was a particular lunch box that caught my attention. It immediately brought me back to my childhood. I remember my dads lunch box was a worn, rusty, silver metal box. I still see it sitting on the 60's formica counter. That lunch box carried for me more than just its intentions.
It represented consistency, loyalty, security, family, love, happiness, commitment. It represented stability, hard work, perseverance and a man who loved to eat.
I wondered how a simple metal lunch box could take on so many characteristics. But it did.
My dad was graciously committed to his family. He died 6 years ago this month.
But his memory continues to linger in my heart in a celebratory way. So when I spotted this lunch box in the antique store, I had to buy it. As a sweet memory and reminder of my dad, of his faith and hard work.
It reminded me of my blessings of a happy childhood, of a committed father and husband to my mom.
I can only imagine the many lunches this box carried for him, from my mom who made them faithfully each night.
As I thought about that lunch box it brought me to the story about the little boy who offered his lunch of 5 loaves and 2 fish to Jesus. It was all he had. But he gave what he had been given. Jesus took his offerings and blessed them and multiplied it to feed thousands.
My dad although he lived on a very small pension, he was rich. And what he didn't need he gave away. He gave from his heart. He gave kindness, time and wisdom. He gave a chuckle and a good belly laugh on a daily basis. He gave away his faith like it was the most valued gift he owned.
As I thought about that lunch box, altho I payed a very small amount, to me it was priceless. It contains a reminder of my childhood. A reminder of what faith, grace and commitment look like. A reminder of Gods ability to take a simple lunch and feed thousands.
God is faithful. He may give you a simple lunch but when he blesses it. It may feed more than you know.
He may give you simple words but maybe He'll feed many with those words or just one.
He may give you a kind heart and with that truly love beyond your ability. He may give you finances to share. Then do that with a heart of gratefulness.
Maybe He asks you to give grace at a time when it seems hopeless but it may be what satisfies.
Whatever He may give you, it's ok if you give it away. He may even multiply it!!
So thankful for a father who gave what he had and allowed God to multiply it.
Matthew 14:17-21
"We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.
“Bring them here to me,” he said. And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.
1965. Visiting my dad at his job.