I hear God's voice whispering at times to me, saying write your thoughts. I often push those voices aside. But today I'm going to write what I believe God is whispering in my heart. God has given us much in this life in blessings. But the days when the blessings seem to be over shadowed with the brokenness in this life, it's in those days I cry out. "God can you use me now, in this broken place." You see 3 years ago my 2 beautiful grandchildren were diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Sanfilippo. We would learn in those first days that life for them would be very short. The statistics say that a child with Sanfilippo will only live 12-14 years. My heart cried out "God, where are you?" God began a new work in my life in those moments and I was surprised by grace. It was in those first few weeks and months that I was able to say to God, "use me in this broken place." He has lovingly taken a very ordinary woman, with a simple story and said "let me use your broken steps, your broken heart. Give them to me and I will lovingly take them and use them to bless and encourage others around you." grace showed up. I ask God to somehow make me available, to listen, to be still enough to hear when God whispers into my soul. Some days it's not clear, and I don't hear anything but the beat of my own heart. In those moments I just find rest and peace. But when I sense God's spirit filling me with Himself, I listen, paying attention to His whispering of my name.
In Isaiah 45:2-3 God ministers to me these words, I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord,the God of Israel, who summons you by name.
I believe that God will supply me with what I need each day. For each of us, He calls us to Himself and so pay attention. He offers us treasures hidden in the darkness, riches stored in secret places. Surprising me by grace.