Saturday, November 5, 2011

Finding grace !

I am amazed every day, that God continues to show up in our lives.  I want nothing more than to see God at work.  I'm thankful that God has restored my eye sight to see Him more clearly.  He's allowed me to see life through the lens of Sanfilippo.  It's not the lens that I thought I'd be looking through.  But I'm thankful everyday that He allows me to see Himself so beautifully through my grandbabies lives.  I'm blessed that God would take such great measures to show me who He is and that He is grace.   He reminded me that He showed up in love through 2 little children, Jayden and Brooklyn.  God gives grace and we often miss it, because we're looking through our own clouded eye sight.  I'm surprised by God's grace.  God has used Sanfilippo to tenderize my heart, and to show me what grace looks like.  He's allowed me to see and to be drawn to the broken places.  Life isn't about getting it all right,  putting all the pieces together nicely, it's more about allowing God to take the broken parts and then He pours Himself into those broken places.  He has shown me way more of who He is through the pain than He ever could have in the easy and good things of this life.  So I'm grateful that God has given me this new language, the language of grace.   I ask  that God will continue to deepen me and grow me into His likeness.  I know He will, using Jayden and Brooklyn to remind me, to remind me of the grace of God. 

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