Saturday, November 5, 2011

Blessings of praying!

I've been wanting to write, but I stopped believing that I had anything to say.  But God keeps reminding me of whose I am.  By God's grace, He reminds me that He is enough for me.  I often think, I don't feel Him, hear Him, see Him, sense Him, but it's in that moment that I realize I just have to BELIEVE HIM.  I have to believe that He is!  When I can believe that He is, it's then God says you're enough for me, and I am enough for you.  

It seems my life is about listening mostly, sometimes sharing, and a lot of praying.  I don't feel that I pray enough, but when I do pray, I feel filled to over flowing.  I used to think that the power was in my prayer, but I realize the power is in the one who hears my prayers.  It has nothing to do with me, it has everything to do with Him.  I'm thankful for the prayers and for the one who hears them.  It's when I pray that I'm changed, maybe the circumstances don't change.  But I'm the one who is changed.  That's the gift.  I love that gift. I had parents who prayed faithfully everyday.  I probably didn't appreciate those prayers when I was young.  Now I appreciate those prayers like never before.  I sometimes wonder if God has stored up all those prayers for my life today.  So today I'm thankful for the prayers.  The prayers of a righteous man availeth much.  So I pray, Lord avail much!  He does. He will.

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