Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Jayden's smile!

Today I looked into my grandson Jayden’s eyes, they were smiling.  I loved that moment.  You see Jayden can’t talk.  Unfortunately, Sanfilippo has taken that away.  So I look for moments to peer into his soul.  I grasp the moments, and with everything I have, I try and capture that smile in my memory.  I would love to bottle it up for later.  There’s something about a little boy who is full of life and activity, yet can’t communicate with words.   But Jayden has learned to communicate with his eyes.  At least that’s how I see it.  He has a gift that he gives to people who know him.  He lights up a room when he smiles.  His beautiful smile has a shine to it.  He shines his way into our hearts every day.  I know that is directly from the Lord.   In fact, God often uses Jayden to teach me.  He allows me to see Himself through the eyes and charm of a little boy named Jayden.  Trying to understand Sanfilippo is like trying to understand the mind of God.  I know that it’s not possible.  But instead I want to thank the one who gives life.  The life that God gives is sometimes not the one that we thought we’d have.  But sometimes it’s better. 

John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

Abundant does look different, it's beyond measure!  It's beyond our understanding! 

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