Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rummage, rummage, rummage! We were knee deep in rummage! The money that was made for research this weekend from peoples stuff (junk, leftovers, garbage) was nothing short of amazing. Can you believe that $6200.00 was made from peoples stuff? It was a God thing for sure! People came in droves. It was crazy! A ton of doubt. But it was worth it. It was definitely a sacrifice for Justin and Stefanie, to have their home completely invaded by tons of stuff! The great thing is it's all going to research for Sanfilippo. So we pray!!!! Asking God to do great things for these babies! We know He can!

Sometimes our faith gets shaken, I know mine has. I have been shaken, broken and ripped apart. I'm sure we all have felt that at times. But God continues to remind me that He's at work, even when He seems silent.

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