Tuesday, June 15, 2010

It seems that we're in a season of change in our lives.  But I also know that change is inevitable.  One thing in life you can count on and that's change.  Sometimes the change seems wrong.  But it's nonetheless change.  As I prepare to become an official empty nester.  (Altho, Chad is still at home so it's maybe not official,) but we are in the crossroads of becoming empty nesters.  I thought that maybe I would be so bored and I'd be wondering what to do with myself some days.  So far that has not happened.  I think I'm busier than I've ever been.  I wonder at times when the day will come when I'm bored!  I hope that never happens.  Jayden and Brooklyn are hanging out with us for the next few days.  I forget what it's like to have little kids all day and all night.  How do young parents survive the sleepless nights?  I don't remember, but I really don't know how old parents survive the sleepless nights either!!! It's really been great.  Well, minus the lack of sleep.  Maybe they'll   keep us young and energetic.  Well, maybe not energetic.  Well, maybe not young either.  They just have a wonderful way of putting a smile on our face.  They continue to light up a room and our lives. 
Psalm 18:28 ~ Lord you have brought light to my life; my God, you light up my darkness.
Psalm 27:1 ~ The Lord is my light and my salvation - so why should I be afraid?
Psalm 119:105 ~ Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.

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