Monday, May 24, 2010

Tyler's Graduation

It was Senior Sunday yesterday. So I had prepared to share some thoughts about Tyler. I'm posting what I shared. I almost made it through without tears. But I somehow managed to get it together and read this in front of our church. Each parent of a senior had this same opportunity. I think there were 7 seniors.

I have in a way been preparing for this day for 18 years. I knew that the day would come when Tyler would turn 18 and be leaving the nest. Honestly, I have been dreading it and I haven’t wanted to let go. But I do have plenty to say about Tyler. So here goes. Tyler Lee Boyce was born November 25th, 1991. The Baby of the family, a Thanksgiving baby. Tyler was born a beautiful blonde, adorable, sweet, easy baby. Being the youngest of 4, he seemed to grow up fast. He did his best to keep up with his siblings and did a pretty good job of it. He was a delight to our family. His siblings often took over in the parenting department it seems, and maybe that’s why you turned out so well. Many times I found myself saying, don’t grow up Ty, I love this stage your in. At a young age he wanted to play sports and we’ve been watching him ever since. We watched him play, t ball, baseball, soccer, basketball and now volleyball. We watched countless games but we were always so proud to sit on the sidelines watching and cheering.

Tyler became a natural athlete, and he excelled on the volleyball court. He seemed to learn quickly how not to get riled. He learned to absorb the difficult things that would come his way very naturally. He showed that often on the basketball and volleyball courts. That’s a very special gift. He also has the gift of friendship. He makes friends easily. Often our house would swarm with kids!! On a regular basis we would have our cupboards and refrigerator raided, our family room rearranged, our stock of pop cans depleted, sweaty shoes, dirty socks and sports equipment left in the doorway to trip over, back packs filled with books that were often unread, cords and endless cords that would go from one end of the house to the other, connecting televisions, video games, etc.

I don’t think that a week would go by that Tyler didn’t forget something at home and would be texting me to bring to school what he’d forgotten. I made countless trips to Zion Benton High School.

But I wouldn’t change any of this for one minute. I will treasure these years in my heart for as long as I live. I heard this quote recently, “that when you were born, God gave you a boat ~ that’s your life, ~ designed to be an adventure for all your days on the earth. God also created a dock, and that’s your family, that would be the place of encouragement, safety and security to give you the courage to sail”. So Ty as we watch your boat sail, it’s with much pride and apprehension that we let you go. But know that your dock is your home, family and where you belong and we’re here to cheer you on. You have certainly made us very proud.

Tyler has a wonderful and warm sense of humor, and easy spirit. I also saw early on that Tyler has an open heart. His heart is big and he has an amazing ability to reach out to others especially when they’re hurting. He demonstrated that just recently.

It seems though that we blinked one too many times and now Tyler you’re grown and a wonderful young man, with hopes and dreams of your own. You came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as a little boy. Stand firm on that foundation that was built in your life from an early age. We pray and know that you will continue to seek Christ. I know there were many times that I doubted my own wisdom in raising you, but I’m reminded of the promises of God and when I didn’t feel I was enough, I know He stood in the gap. And He will continue to do that in your life. A quote I read just recently is this ~ “Life is not about any particular achievement or experience. The most important task of your life is not what you do, but who you become”. ~

A verse that I want to share with you is this. Isaiah 30:21 says ~ whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” We love you Ty! And we will never stop cheering!

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