Monday, May 17, 2010

The Color Purple

What an amazing color purple has become for me. I didn't realize it would ever mean so much. Everyone who sported a little purple this past weekend, thank you! What an encouragement! It showed that you cared! Purple hair, wow! Who would have ever thought that I would be sporting purple hair. The guy checking out at Jewel made a comment about my purple hair streaks. I proceeded to tell him about my grandbabies and MPS awareness. He said I see people in line all the time with crazy hair colors and he said they are just trying to look hip and cool. But he said for you it works and it's hip and cool, whether you were trying or not. OK.... so I left with a big smile on my face! He made me smile. Whether he meant to or not!

Over $1100 dollars came in from purple hair streaks! Who would ever have guessed! Something so crazy.... but fun! Thank you Jesus.......for purple hair streaks!.......You are good!!!

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