Thursday, April 22, 2010

I seem to be reminded again and again, that life is precious and fragile. We are only given today. I'm constantly thinking about that. I'm learning to embrace today. Our tomorrows aren't guaranteed anyway. I'm also reminded in the Psalms that He leads me beside still waters. He leads me. It's not that he's calling me, or out front motioning me, or showing me by pointing the way. He is ahead of me leading the way. I have recently found that small portion of the Psalms a precious reminder of His loving reflection LEADING ME! I'm also reminded of the Children of Israel being provided manna, but just enough for one day. And when they gathered more than what they needed for one day, it became rotten. So maybe there's a lesson in that for me too. Learning to gather only enough manna for today. So my prayer is Lord thank you for the manna you've provided today. Let me enjoy the manna you've provided, whatever that might be. While He provides manna, He also promises a lamp to my feet. So we may not know what will happen tomorrow, but we know that He leads the way, provides the lamp and offers manna. I guess, what more can we ask!

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