Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Benefit ~ thank you!

Thanks to so many for creating a wonderful evening for Justin and Stefanie. The benefit was an amazing out pouring of love and gracious giving. I was very emotionally moved by the benefit. I found myself saying how I couldn' believe people care this much! It was a wonderful picture of a loving community of family and friends. When person after person came up to me to either introduce themselves or just want to know more, I was so moved. I tried to hold back tears, but some moments I just couldn't. It took a community to put on a benefit like this. My niece Ashley was the instrument God used to get this off the ground. She did an awesome job. Ashley and her friend Kim literally went all over the community and received hundreds of donations. Then word of mouth took over and pretty soon there were so many donations, there was literally no more room to show them all. It was unbelieveable! I think for me one of the most moving moments was when Ty and his volleyball team came walking in after their tournament. That was a sweet moment! God bless all those who put so much love and work into this evenng! It was perfect weather as well, a beautiful day! God is good!

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