Friday, April 30, 2010

I have to say recently that I haven't been able to land my thoughts very easily. My thoughts have been in a whirl once again. Trying at times to make sense of difficult things is rather impossible, I know. Again I've found my heart in a grieving place. I'm reminded of Solomon's words in Ecclesiastes 3 that there is a time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. We've found our hearts once again broken and grieving. We just lost a beautiful friend, Bonnie. We were just cheering our boys on together on the volleyball court the other day. Now she's in glory enjoying the rewards of her labor on this earth. I worked with her on occasion and enjoyed every minute of it. She made working a delight and I loved every opportunity. What a tireless servant. She instilled in others that same desire to serve. I will so miss seeing her at the volleyball games. It was a joy to sit and cheer along side of her. It reminds me of our lives at times. That we should do more cheering each other on to good works. She did that. What an example she's set for me and I know for countless others.

I say thank you to Jesus for putting people in our lives that cheer us on and also reminds us to cheer others on as well. They may only be in our lives a short time. I again realize the brevity of life. We have no idea of tomorrow. We only have today. Through Jayden and Brooklyn's life, I am reminded daily to live in this moment. Tomorrow is not a guarantee. They inspire me to embrace today, finding the joy that is not our natural inclination. Yes, life is hard. We've been grieving a long time now. But I know He will show us how to live in this moment and to dance again. That's my prayer.

Eccleciastes 3:4 ~ A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.

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