Thursday, May 6, 2010

Justin's 30th Birthday

May 6th 1980 ~ Justin was born. What a day that was! As you can imagine we were thrilled to have our first son. Justin has been a joy to our family ever since. I'm so proud to call him my son. I know life has been hard as of lately for him and Stef and for all of us. But I see an incredible and remarkable young man in Justin. I stand amazed at how he's responding in light of adversity and pain. I'm learning and growing by watching him and his deep love for his beautiful children. Justin's heart is huge, and God is opening it up even more. God uses us even when we're most broken and feeling as if we have nothing more to give. Justin has been to the depths these past few months and my heart has been broken watching that. But God is not finished, I know he believes and so do we that we still serve a sovereign and merciful God.

Happy 30th birthday Justin. You are an amazing son and I couldn't be more proud of you. May God bless you today! Keep enjoying St.Thomas! We love you! You are a tremendous gift to us!

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