Friday, January 3, 2014

Listening to His voice

I tell myself that I need to sit and write something even if it seems like nothing.  I'm just practicing writing.  It's about the practice.  When I was a little girl I began taking piano lessons at about age 8 and in the 3rd grade.  I really hated to practice.  I had to force myself or my mom had to force me to practice. So I practiced and practiced and practiced.  It took a long time to come to the place where I enjoyed my own music.  But it happened, I began to enjoy my playing, so I played and practiced more.  I played in church my whole life almost every week for over 40 years.  But without practice I wouldn't have ever made it very far.  I wonder if practicing piano is anything like practicing writing.  Whether yes or no I will do my best to practice writing this year.  So one of the things I want to do this year is begin a few new habits.  I'm not making resolutions.  I'm so not good at keeping them anyway.  I think we certainly mean well with our plans and our desires to be better in some way.  I often begin a year with great exuberance, but it rarely lasts long and I become discouraged and forget what I intended.  God bless those intentions.....but I don't waste my time anymore.  My hope though for this year is to take time and write whats on my heart.  My desire is to listen to my heart.  Listen to the voice of God.   Allowing him to stir my thoughts and move my heart to respond in a new way.  Asking God to use my words to change my own heart.

Isaiah 28:23
Listen and hear my voice; pay attention and hear what I say
Psalm 84:8
Hear my prayer, Lord God Almighty; listen to me, God of Jacob.

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