Friday, January 3, 2014

Fresh Fallen Snow

As we begin 2014 I'm excited to be able to turn a new calendar page.  I love fresh starts.  Not that it really feels fresh, but my desire is to look at the new year with fresh perspective.  It's easy to keep the old ways of thinking, the negative thoughts that continue to spin around in our minds.  It's often that those negative thoughts capture our hearts and spin us out of control.  Maybe for me it's been too much time spent on things that really don't matter or thoughts spent on worrying about what others think.'s not something you can control anyway. Why waste the time worrying about what people think. I wish I could have back all the time wasted worrying about things that I have no ability to change anyway.  So just like the new fresh fallen snow.....the purity of the winter season, that's the mind set I want to keep and fill my heart as I turn a new calendar page.  I know cold weather brings its share of struggle and frustration.  It's easy to dread the winter, but I really want to make this a winter to be thankful for.   So as we turn the pages lets let the fresh spirit of God pour into us like new fallen snow.  Fresh, white, clean snow!

Psalm 51:7
Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

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