Saturday, April 30, 2011

Seeking treasures, seeking Him

The other night, Jayden and Brooklyn were hanging out with us. I had just fed them dinner and gave them a bath.   Brooklyn was getting sleepy, so I grabbed her soft pink blanket to cuddle with.  Jayden was watching us getting comfortable on the couch.  He decided to join us,so he crawled up and sat by us on the couch. (that just never happens)  He pulled some of the pink blanket on him so that he was covered up too.  Before I knew it,  Jayden had curled up and fallen asleep on my shoulder and Brooklyn had fallen asleep in my arms.  What a special moment for me.....a moment I won't soon forget.  They looked so beautiful, sound asleep.  It was a moment of sheer delight to see them so quiet and still.  I know those moments don't happen often, but I'm glad that I was able to enjoy those few moments of sweetness.  I believe God desires sweet moments with us.  Those moments are gifts to us.  I believe He longs for those moments with His children.  I so often miss the moment of His sweet presence in my busyness.  But as I seek Him I find He waits and offers generous amounts of His perfect presence, another treasure I have found in the darkness.  As I've been seeking the treasure of His presence He graciously gives me what I need.   Continue to seek treasures! 

Romans 11:33  Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!


  1. Hi Belle. Its a lovely picture. Those moments of peace always seem so far and few between. But I think what you say is how to have more of those moments, seek Him! Thanks for the reminder. I sometimes get so frustrated because life is so busy and there never seems to be 'me' time. But its not about getting more 'me' time. Its about seeking more 'God' time and the 'me' will be more refreshed. God bless and I'm adding your grandchildren to my prayer list. Tracy

  2. Thank you for your comments...I was encouraged to read your words. Thank you for your prayers! I enjoyed reading your blog. God bless you as you continue to write and let God show Himself faithful in your life!
