Monday, April 11, 2011

Gentleness ~ a treasure that's rich in humility!

I've been amazed at what God has been showing me lately.  I've discovered a new treasure called Gentleness....As I've been studying this past year the fruits of the spirit, I'm learning what it looks like to live beyond myself.  It's been very challenging, encouraging, crazy, exciting, stressful, meaningful, inspiring, all of these and more.  I realize more and more that God doesn't expect us to get it right, to be right, but to be faithful, to have an open heart.  He does the work. The 7th fruit of the spirit is gentleness, I thought I knew what gentleness meant, a gentle touch, a softness.  Gentleness in the greek is praotes.  It means humility, submission, teachability.  I learned that gentleness bows in submission.  It's the humble part of gentleness that bows to someone.  That's where it gets challenging.  Somehow, I don't really want to bow to anyone but Jesus.  But God has a plan for us and it's often with humility we accept His work in us.  Beth Moore says "gentleness  is an outward expression of feeling, but an inward grace of the soul, calmness toward God in particular.  It is the acceptance of God's dealing with us, considering them as good."

I love words like grace, gentleness and calmness.  Who doesn't want an inward grace of the soul?  When our hearts are open and ready, He comes and fills us with His gentleness that we can be prepared to live beyond ourselves.

Psalm 18:35
You have given me the shield of your salvation,
and your right hand supported me,
and your gentleness made me great.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Belle. I found your blog on Tabitha's team. I like what you wrote on grace. Its beautiful. God bless. TKT
