Wednesday, September 8, 2010

favorite summer read!

As I reflect on some of our summer memories, we can be thankful for the times that we were able to get away. To be still, to enjoy a different view, to do different things!  We enjoyed family, boating, seado's, grandbabies and books.  Lots of books.....I finished a great book and highly recommend it. It's by Mary Beth Chapman called Choosing to See.  She shares her story of tragedy, struggle and hope.  If you're looking to be blessed, this book might do that.  I kind of dared myself to read it, quite frankly I wasn't sure I could handle reading about someone elses tragedy and hard stuff.  But she shares from such a vulnerable place that I began to relate in so many ways to her brokenness. I couldn't put this book down.   In fact I almost wanted to adopt a little chinese girl!  So as I reflect on this book and what God is teaching me,  I looked at it as a gift in a way.  To somehow to choose to see God in the hard things,  to see the treasures in the darkness. One of the things she mentions is that we are sometimes called to do hard and so we are learning what that looks like and by God's grace are seeing God in the hard places. I have many more books that I'm reading right now.  I can't just read one book at a time.  I'll share more of my favorite reads here. 

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