Saturday, August 21, 2010

purpose and prayer!

As I reflect on my thoughts of the last few weeks, I'm again surprised by what God is teaching me.  Sometimes I wonder why He would even use me, let alone teach me new awesome things.  I am praying that He would show me more of Himself, that I would continue to sense His spirit working within me.  I'm praying that God would really show me His purpose.  I wonder at times what His purpose is for me now that I'm staring down an almost empty house.  I can hardly imagine that this day has come.  Tyler leaves in a about a month.  He's ready, but I'm not.  So in the mean time I'm praying that I will know God's direction in this part of my life.  I know it involves my grandbabies in a big way.  But I believe God has positioned me and is placing something new in my heart.  I'm still asking and seeking His direction.  I know that His spirit will breeze the path that I'm to take.  It might be that I have to take that step of faith.  So I pray for guidance, direction and new purpose.....!  Pray with me if you will!  Pray for my beautiful grandbabies, they occupy most of my heart and mind these days!  Pray for strength, wisdom, courage and peace of mind for Justin and Stefanie!  They are doing an awesome job.  They may not feel equipped, but they really have heart!  Amazing heart!  God is using them and doing great things in and through them.  Isn't that what it's about!  That's all we can ask.....that He use us, just as we are!

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