Monday, July 12, 2010

Simple thanks!

I'm learning to be thankful for simple things lately.  As I was driving back and forth to the hospital the past couple weeks, it always seemed as though I left at the most inconvenient times.....I must like rush hour.   I often thought wow.....some people do this all the time.  But I began to be thankful for the drive, it gave me soul time.  I tend to thrive on what I call "soul care".   I could think and pray!  And really get honest with God.  I'm glad that He can handle my honesty.  As I prayed and poured out my heart to God, I began to be thankful for the journey and began to look for the hidden joy.  I began to look forward to the drive and learned quickly how to maneuver my way into the best lanes.  It began to be a challenge that I loved!  I learned in those drives to praise Him even in the darkness.  He began to show me those hidden treasures.  The treasure of finding joy in the journey.  That a heart of praise begins to take the uglies from my soul.  The uglies sometimes take over and spill out.  Hhhmmm.......!  That's not what I desire.....but the flesh sometimes takes over and out it comes.  But God is patient and reminds me that the journey is where we grow, where we struggle, where we find ourselves most often.  He wants to come and meet us right there at the point of our need.  So, I can only say thank you Jesus. 

I'm thankful for my friend Patti, who came over the other afternoon.  She seemed to know that I needed a friend at that moment.  She reminded me of her prayers for me. I'm so thankful for the prayer warriors among us!   But as I remember,  I only asked her to pray for Jayden, but she took it further and reminded me of her prayers for me as well.  I was overwhelmed because I really needed prayer.  Then on Sunday much needed hugs came from my friends!  So I'm again reminded of God's faithfulness!

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