Saturday, July 10, 2010

Jayden's home!

We can say thank you to Jesus!  Jayden's home!  We missed that active little boy!  But all that activity is back and he's on the go once again.  What a blessing that activity is!  Be thankful for your childrens energy.  It really is a gift from God.  The many trips I made to Childrens this week,  powerfully reminded me to keep life in perspective.  You are sooo reminded of how fragile life is!  To be thankful for simple being able to walk, talk, smile, hug.  Loving unconditionally!  I can't seem to get enough of Jayden's ability to make me smile, to embrace life, to make others smile, to remind me again and again of what's really important.  Thank you Jesus for teaching me new stuff!  Thank you Jayden for reminding me to keep love with new embrace really love active little boys named Jayden!  (That's not hard!)

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