Saturday, March 27, 2010

It was my birthday this week. I was hoping that maybe it would go away. But it didn't, Ken surprised me and we went to Lake Geneva for a day and night. He also surprised me with being my personal servant for the day. He waited on me for 24 hours. Whatever I wanted....! WOW! He even took the blame for things that he didn't do! But by the end of the day, he reminded me that it was over now. Back to normal! Well, it was nice while it lasted. That was definitely a memorable birthday. Then last night Rian and I celebrated our birthdays together. It was fun having everyone here, especially all the little ones. They make life sweet! Most of our family were able to come and so many gifts,(better than Christmas) everything was special. I'm glad now my birthday just didn't go away. Rian and I celebrated together for one of the first times in a long time. I can't believe she's 32! WOW! Happy Birthday Rian! I'm blessed to have such a beautiful daughter! She's such a blessing to me and to many! I hope her birthday is as sweet as she is.

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