Saturday, March 27, 2010

The days seem to fly by and I wonder sometimes where the time actually went. I've definitely sensed the hand of God these last few weeks. I'm learning to see Him in the places I've never looked before, in the places that pre sanfilippo, I probably ignored. God is using pain, that I might see Him through it. Like Elizabeth Elliott writes in her book, there is a pathway through the pain and discovering that relationship between God's mercy and our pain. I know that the pain gives us a reason to examine our hearts, and readjust our priorities, reset our sights on Him. Thankfully the pathway through this is for my growth. I'm beginning to see that. I can continue to say "God, what do you have in this for me?" I saw a beautiful little or actually plump bird sitting on my tree in the backyard last Saturday. It was right after the snow (that seemed to come out of no where). It was the most beautiful bird, perched perfectly on a snowy branch, which seemed out of character, and it mesmerized me. It was a perfect kodak moment. But I missed the moment with my camera. So I only have it in my memory. I kept going back to that spot the rest of the day to hopefully see him perched there again. It just reminded me of the newness of spring coming and leaving the cold and dark days of winter behind. My soul longs for that too. That maybe the darkness of this past winter will now turn to thoughts of spring and newness of life. I'm thankful for the springtime, I think this year I won't take it so for granted. I want to learn to appreciate each day with new joy and a thankful heart. Embracing each moment with new appreciation and allowing God to use us in new ways that maybe we never thought possible without the dark days of winter.

2 Corinthians 4:15 Indeed it is for your sake that all things are ordered, so that, as the abounding grace of God is shared by more and more, the greater may be the chorus of thanksgiving that ascends to the glory of God.

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