Thursday, January 21, 2010

I've been trying to find time to sit and spill my heart. It's not been easy. So many things have been whirling around in my mind and heart these past few weeks. Where do I begin, first of all I am in awe of the body of Christ. We have received hundreds of well wishes and encouraging words. I can't begin to properly thank everyone. Thanks is hardly enough. I felt so overwhelmed at the visitation, as I walked in the church and looked around, it was so beautiful. What a wonderful tribute that was given to my Dad. Then as the church began to fill with people, hundreds of people came and gave a wonderful and loving tribute to him. I am sorry for the long wait, but we are so grateful for the love that was poured out that night. So many warm embraces, and loving memories were shared with us. TO say we were overwhelmed is putting it mildly. My Dad was a warm and funny man, he loved to laugh and joke. He had a way of making people feel loved. He was an encourager and a refresher. I know I can't hardly imagine life without him. But I know God has a purpose in this for all of us. I am only now beginning to learn from a faithful life well lived.

I want to thank so many people for ministering their gifts in such special ways these past few weeks. When we didn't know where to begin, someone would help guide us through. Special thanks go to Beach Bible Church for being the hands and feet of Jesus. People from other churches were so amazed at the way they could take a room and transform it so efficiently and quickly to serve so many people a lovely, delicious meal. Thank you Theresa for organizing and working with us on so many levels. You and all those who worked with you to prepare the funeral service were nothing short of amazing. I know the list was long of people who contributed to the dinner.

Thank you Kathy, for decorating the church so beautifully. The tables looked so amazing and so reflected my Dad and things he loved. They couldn't have been more perfect.

A big thank you to Jill for the lovely meal and snacks that you brought for the night of the visitation. What a wonderful spread! You thought of everything! We were so touched by your generous heart. You even shared your panty hose, i found out later! What a servant! Thanks to Kalie too for the lovely array of cookies you made for the visitation. That was a lot of cookies!

Thank you to Ellen, Debbie, Theresa, Von, Donna, Danae and Annemarie for the wonderful meals that were brought to the house. We ate so well, each meal was so delicious and we felt blessed by your generous heart.

Thanks to Gladys for all the delicious food you brought, the errands you ran and for hemming Mom's pants at the last minute. What a gift you gave!

Thank you to Stefanie for taking a chaotic picture search and finding a way to make it a fun and humorous game. How you were able to take our chaos and turn it into a wonderful presentation on power point is beyond me! It was amazing and wonderful. It was very therapeutic for us as we walked through those first dark moments.

As I think back, I know we have so many thank yous to give. For those who came and ministered to us in the hospital. Thank you to Pastor James for taking our thoughts and wishes and sharing it so beautifully at his service.

Dennis and Leah, thank you for your loving support and warm embraces, encouraging words.

Thanks to Dan and Annemarie for taking an old country song called "Supper Time" and turning it into a wonderful, beautiful tribute. We couldn't help but sing along. Dad would have loved that! Oh and thank you to those who had to direct traffic. You know who you are!

I'm sure that I have many more thank yous to make. I continue to be amazed at God's provisions for us. Keep us in your prayers, especially for Mom as she learns to navigate her life in a new way, in a new direction and that she would find new purpose.

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