Saturday, January 9, 2010


What can I say about a man that I love so much and that I called Dad for 52 years. He meant the world to me. He was my rock and my prayer warrior, he was my confidant and my best friend. He was Jesus in the flesh to me. He was my Mr. Fix it. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for me and my brothers. And when I would ask him what I owed him. It was always the same answer, “it’s a labor of love.” I was so blessed. I will miss him coming over just about every day for coffee and just chatting about whatever was going on that week. We talked about everything. Many times we would end our visit by praying. Whenever I was troubled by something he always said we will pray right now. He meant that too. Growing up I woke up many a morning to the prayers of my Mom and Dad in the next room. He left an amazing legacy. He was a humble man and didn’t desire much of worldly treasures. He stored up his treasures in heaven. He was a fisher of men. He didn’t know a stranger. Sometimes when I was younger I found it embarrassing, but later I found it so endearing. That was my Dad and who he was. He was not afraid to be himself. He always told me that I was special. I was his only girl and the apple of his eye. He gave me the nickname Bell, Bell kona, I loved that. Although, later I found out that when I was born he was hoping for twin boys. My Dad was so proud of his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, his son in law, and his daughters in law. He loved us all. He had an uncanny way of making all his grandchildren feel that they were his favorite. He loved his church and he wanted nothing more than to serve in any way he could. He never wanted to miss a prayer time or bible study. His greatest love though was the Awana Club. I know he wasn’t a perfect man and he would be the first to admit that. God has used him in so many ways and I know He said “well done my good and faithful servant.” I know I leaned heavy on him these past few months, as they have been difficult for our family, but he kept pointing me to Jesus. What a gift that he has given to us all. You couldn’t have met a more devoted and loving husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather and friend as my Dad. Dad, you have left a huge hole in our lives. But I know you would want us to carry on and continue to cultivate the soil that you have prepared so wonderfully for us. I will miss you, I love you Dad.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever! From Psalm 23 Thats us....we're following in the footsteps he left. Thanks Dad!

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