Sunday, November 1, 2009

Yesterday we celebrated Jayden's 3rd birthday. His Bob the builder / Handy Manny dress up was great! What a fun way to celebrate with Jayden (although he was sick and was unsure of what everyone was doing at his house). Who would have thought that we would be celebrating in this way only 2 weeks after finding out that our beautiful babies have a terminal illness. So many people came by to express their love to our family. I think more than anything we realized how blessed we are by so much support from family and friends. Not to say that we don't struggle. How many people have had to truly lay their babies down. To completely give them up to what ever God is choosing for them. There is no manual to tell us how to do this. I realize that our manual is God's word and His presence in our lives. I'm continually reminded that when we're at the end of who we are, we are then at the beginning of God. Isn't that the best place to be.

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