Friday, November 6, 2009

Wow! The sun is shining. I also want the son to be shining in me. Is he shining in me through this difficult time? I pray he is.

I was thinking back a few weeks ago, we still had very raw emotions and we were hanging on tightly to each other. A few family members were standing in our kitchen and we were going to pray. We were holding hands and Justin was getting ready to pray, Jayden stood in the middle of our circle and he started to sing "Oh". We know what that means to Jayden because we sing the Johnny Appleseed song, "oh the Lords been good to me and so I thank the Lord, for giving me the things I need, the sun and the rain and the apple seed, the Lords been good to me." Even though he doesn't know all the words he started us out singing. What a precious moment, like Keith said, Jayden is going to show us all how to live. I think he's doing that. In that moment, the son was shining. I think we all recognized it as coming directly from His hand to our hearts.

Psalm 4:6b-8 Let the light of your face shine upon us, O Lord. You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound. I will lie down and sleep in peace for you alone, O Lord make me dwell in safety.

I know we've all struggled with sleep these past few weeks. I can only pray that these words from the Psalmist will fill us with a greater joy than we can ever know and allow to sleep peacefully again.


  1. Joan,
    Last night before going to bed, Dave & I sat at the computer to read your blog for the first time. Since he was without his reading glasses, I started reading it out loud. When I got to the part where you wrote, "Who would have thought we'd have to learn to trust in this way, to lay our babies down," I could no longer read aloud. Thanks for sharing your deepest thoughts and the special moments God grants you. I encourage you to continue this blog--mostly for your benefit of processing, but also for your friends and family to better understand where you are. After reading your thoughts, all we could do was go to bed and hold each other in silence and tears. We love you and want to be apart of your journey--Kathy & Dave

  2. Mom...I can't believe you figured this blog thing out!! Good for you!! You may know more about this stuff than me...I can't let that happen!! :) I love you!

  3. Joan didn't leave that comment. I did. I was signed up under case anyone wanted to know!! lol.

  4. Joan,

    What an inspriation you are!!! You prove daily that you are one of God's Children, and you must know he will never forsake you!!!!

    I wanted you to know that Racine Bible Church, Crossing Church of Dover, Florida is praying for your family daily.

    I am challenging everyone out there!!!! If we; "Ask, and it will be given to you; Seek and you will find; Knock and it will be opened to you" It is that simple. So, keep those prayers going daily!!!

    In Him
    Sally Appenzeller

  5. Thanks for turning me on to your blog. I find such encouragement as I read of God's faithfulness in your life. My faith increases as I watch you lean heavily on the arms of our loving Lord and find the strength He gives in our weakness. I continue to wake in the night and to pray for you all, Jut especially, that sleep will come and peace will wash over you all. We are blessed to walk beside you in this - be sure to let us know what you need. Leah
