Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The darkness of my soul seemed to fit the cloudy rainy days of October. But with the sun shining today my soul begins to thrive once again. Although, we still shed a few tears along the way. I know tears are good!

The word "terminal" keeps entering my mind, my thoughts, my conversations. I can hardly put the word terminal in the same sentence as "newborn baby." Those words shouldn't coexist, nor should they be in the same sentence as "3 year old." I wonder, how can that possibly be. I know we're all terminal. We obviously don't know when that will be. So with new fervor I hold my grandbabies a little tighter, desire to cling a little closer, to want to be in their presence and enjoy every moment we have together. Then I think isnt that what God desires for me. To hold on to Him a little tighter, to cling to Him a little closer and to just enjoy being in His presence. I'm so thankful that my heavenly father wants the same thing for me that I desire for my grandbabies.

Psalm 64:6-8 On my bed I remeber you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you, your right hand upholds me.

I just want to thank all my dear friends and family who have been so faithful to pray for us, especially in the "watches of the night." You will never know how much your prayers and words of encouragment have helped us walk through the dark hours. Thank you for encouraging me through your kind words, texts, emails, hugs. You have demonstrated Jesus in a real way.

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