Thursday, November 12, 2009

As I was thinking back to a conversation I had with Justin about the verse in Psalms that says He is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalms 34:4 I remember saying that we can claim and understand that intellectually. But what if we don't feel His presence or His closeness. Will the Lord bring us to that place so we can absolutely feel it and sense it and know it? As we talked I realize that yes, but it begins first in our intellect and God in His grace and mercy allows His spirit to seep past our mind and into our hearts and He begins the healing. He was doing that even when we felt His silence. He speaks to us in many ways even "during the dark night of the soul."

I've been reading a book called "He speaks to me," The author writes, "God is using silence to strengthen your trust in Him and open your ears to spiritual truths. We know that we are becoming spiritually mature when God is silent and instead of asking why, we humble ourselves before Him and persevere in prayer. It is a mark of maturity to believe that even though God may be silent, He is still in control. Trust that in His silence, God is speaking to you. He wants silence to make you desperate not for a solution to your problem, but for more of Him."

He is using these truths in my life and I pray that He will use them in your life as well.

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