Sunday, October 25, 2009

We are so thankful for the prayers and love of God's people. I realize that people show their love in amazing ways and God is using them in our lives.

We don't know where this journey will take us, but we keep reminding ourselves that it's not our job to worry about tomorrow. Our God will do that for us. He's a big God and can handle all our doubts and fears for the future. We are reminded that the trip we thought we were going to take is going to look different. But it's still a wonderful trip. Like the story about Italy, we long to take this trip because we've heard so many amazing stories about Italy and how beautiful it is and what a wonderful place to go, but then we get off the plane and we find out we're not in Italy, we're in Hollland. But realizing that Holland is beautiful as well, it might not be Italy, but it's a wonderful place too. So we don't want to spend time grieving over Italy and miss out on the beautiful and wonderful place that Holland offers. We desire now to embrace each day as gift from God. How many days we have missed out on tasting and seeing the goodness of God, because we're so busy worrying over things we have no control of anyway.

The Bible says over and over to "be still and know that I am God," "wait patiently for Him." Those aren't words that I long to hear. But I am learning. Its not easy. but I desire to walk that way. The Lord is now asking me to do that. I don't know but maybe that's the gift He's giving. Well, I'm learning if I don't share what is on my heart, that He is going to give it to someone else. Am I willing to share what He's teaching me? That's the new adventure.

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