Saturday, October 24, 2009

A new journey

As I begin to express my thoughts on this blog, I really don't know where to begin. My thoughts race and I struggle to land them in a safe place. But our journey begins, we found out yesterday that our grandbabies, Jayden and Brooklyn have a rare genetic disorder. It's called San Filippo, it is type A; which is one of the most severe. Most children only live into their second decade with this disease. It wasn't words that we would ever want to hear. But these were the words. As I have processed these new terms , I can't tell you how my heart has ached, words can't express the depth of pain and anguish. Watching Justin and Stefanie process and walk through these last weeks has been excruciating for all of us. I've never seen my son in so much pain. He is learning as we all are how to trust God. Who would have thought we'd have to learn to trust in this way, to lay our babies down. Stefanie has been a rock. She has already turned the corner, much sooner than the rest of us I might add. She will be a fighter for her children, she will not leave one stone unturned. God couldn't have given our grandbabies anything better than the two parents he gave them. God has a plan and purpose for all of this. It certainly wasn't the trip we wanted to take. But we don't want to miss the beautiful things that He will offer us on this new journey. We will be richer for it. Psalm 34:7-8 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. I picture an angel protecting us, actually camped out here. Wow!! Offering us good food!!

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