My blog is about Gods grace and about finding treasures in the darkness. It's about growing in my faith when it's hard and the darkness wants to consume me. We found out that our grandbabies Jayden and Brooklyn were diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Sanfilippo Syndrome and will possibly only live a short life. It's about our hope in God, finding him faithful and being amazed by grace.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Sweet grace notes!

Today I sit quietly in front of my fireplace   I put my feet on the coffee table and I take a deep breath.  I sigh!  At this moment I feel a sense of peace.

Trust me it's not always that easy.  But today I sense Gods presence and I hear a murmur of sorts that says "Good morning, my name is Grace. "

I sink back in my chair and my mind wanders back about 5 years. It was a difficult and painful time.  I struggled with Gods grace, I wondered where God was and if he was even good. Nothing made sense, especially grace. What did that mean?

Our lives took on new perspective.   God would set us on a different path.  Maybe a road less traveled.  Our two oldest grandchildren were diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Sanfilippo syndrome. Those words were terrifying to hear and terribly painful.

I realize now that grace shows up in the dark places and it keeps showing up.  I've learned now to look for God in the hard and painful.  He resides there.  I am so glad. 

We know that Jayden and Brooklyn will only live into their early teens and in between now and then they will slowly lose all their abilities.   Hard to watch, yes!  Painful, for sure! 

In the meantime, Gods army of love, and grace begins its work.   Grace continues to spill over in our lives.   His plan is way bigger than our pain. 

I see his grace show up in Brooklyn's beautiful songs.  Her words are less clear but her voice is precious and her notes are sweet. They are my grace notes.  Brooklyn shows me a glimpse of Gods grace.  

God lovingly and in his timing strips away all our pretenses and silly masks we wear.   He says now you're free.  Live in that freedom.   He says my story of grace is for your freedom.  Wear that instead.  

I used to think it was my goodness and purity that God desired.  But that's not it.   Maybe He's asking us to participate.  He says you can show up, as you are.  I'll provide everything you need.   My purpose will find it's place in you.  

I've learned that God doesn't call the equipped but he equips the called.   I never feel equipped.  God's ways are not our ways and his ways are higher than ours. 

This past Christmas, God placed a very broken young woman in our path.  We knew for us, that this was a road less traveled but we were willing to travel it.  

He plucked her from a very dark and difficult place.  She had become unraveled and was in great pain, struggling to make sense of life. 

 He placed her in the heart of our family.  Mix in an average amount of chaos, lots and lots of love, add a large dose of Christmas.  Enter at your own risk, into our grace story.  

I questioned Gods direction. I wondered what God was up to.  Haven't we had enough pain and sadness for now.  Isn't Sanfiippo enough for us?  

But I was able to recognize God's grace in her.   He was demonstrating to us what grace looked like again.  We've seen it before.   God shows up in the broken and then He reminds us,
"My grace is sufficient for you."

He invites us to participate and He promises strength.  He reminds me again I will use your pain.

I stumbled onto this verse in Proverbs 14:4  "Without oxen a stable stays clean, but you need a strong ox for a large harvest."

I don't always understand His direction, but he asks us at times to allow our stables to get dirty.  I know, I like a clean stable too.  Messy doesn't equal easy.  Let's face it.  We don't always want to get dirty.   

Maybe it's in the messy and broken where the harvest begins.  Just maybe that's where blessing and grace collide. 

God plants the broken in our midst to remind us of his bountiful harvest.  Even when we think we're not enough or equipped or ready or not wanting a dirty stable.  He says there is a harvest waiting.  

Maybe God just wants to remind us that.......

His name is Grace! 

He uses our pain!

He promises strength! 

And He's bringing the harvest!

And a little girl named Brooklyn will remind you too......cuz when she sings, you hear a glimpse of grace and that is for me, sweet grace notes! 

Psalm 65:11
You crown the year with a bountiful harvest, even the hard pathways overflow with

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