My blog is about Gods grace and about finding treasures in the darkness. It's about growing in my faith when it's hard and the darkness wants to consume me. We found out that our grandbabies Jayden and Brooklyn were diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Sanfilippo Syndrome and will possibly only live a short life. It's about our hope in God, finding him faithful and being amazed by grace.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blessings from a grateful place!

I am blessed to have celebrated another year. I'm learning its not about the age or about the # on the scale. Its more about the focus of my heart. its a learning process....maybe it begins with a grateful heart. Choosing to look beyond my failures to see the joy and gifts that God gives. i stumble a lot and often lose my purpose. I often second guess my abilities. But i find that God is always waiting to show me treasures in the dark times, secret riches stored for me. They are life altering and God breathed. That is what keeps me grounded. its in the painful times that we are deepened, it is there that we are invited to the table of grace! It's where we can stay till we are full! There's more than enough..... The blessings from a grateful place!

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