My blog is about Gods grace and about finding treasures in the darkness. It's about growing in my faith when it's hard and the darkness wants to consume me. We found out that our grandbabies Jayden and Brooklyn were diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Sanfilippo Syndrome and will possibly only live a short life. It's about our hope in God, finding him faithful and being amazed by grace.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Thank you for voting!

A big thank you for taking a few minutes to vote for this gene therapy that Pepsi is offering to help fund.  If we win this money we can be so excited about the possibilities.   I've been in awe seeing and hearing that people are so behind our family.  So continue to vote and please pass it on to anyone and everyone.  You can vote up to 3 times a day using your texting, email and facebook through January 31st.   This is the first hopeful news that we have had.  So thank you for getting behind this as well.  God's blessings to all of you!

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