Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Reminder of God's mercy!

I haven't written anything for about a month.  I want to take the time to think and try to put my thoughts in a clear and thoughtful way.  That doesn't always happen, so I tend to not write a thing.  I have found lately though, the things I have previously written have been reminding me what God had taught me in my journey of brokenness.  I continue to ask, what is God teaching me in this place.  Why does God continue to break our hearts?   I was reminded of the story in John 11: 32-35 when Mary and Martha's brother Lazarus died,  Mary went to meet Jesus on the road.  When she came to where He was, she fell to His feet weeping.  Jesus was so moved in His spirit by Mary's brokenness that He also wept.  He wept with Mary.  His tears mingled with hers.  I think that when we cry and shed  broken tears for whatever reason, He cries tears with us.  When it seems that He's quiet, He's wiping our tears and listening to our heart, it's in those moments when He seems so far away that He's extremely close.  Psalm 34:18 reminds us that the Lord is close to the broken hearted.  I believe that the silence or what we think is silence is really the beginning of His dwelling place.  He's feeling our pain and He meets us at the point of our need.  His grace shows up in the tears and the silence!  He begins the healing process, sometimes it is to open up the wounds again to remind us of who He is.  The song that comes to my mind everytime I think about wounds, is a song from Point of Grace.  The lyrics are "heal the wound but leave the scar to remind me of how merciful you are."  So that's my thoughts for ask God to heal the wounds but leave the scar.  Every day I need to be reminded of His mercy.


  1. Hi Belle. I never thought about wounds like that before - you know - the scar. What an amazing analogy. I have been really hurt badly a couple of times and when I think of it and worry it, my attitude is resentful even though I say to myself, all things work together for the good... - but to see the scar as a reminder of His mercy, His grace - wow - what a change in perspective! Thank you!
    God bless

  2. You bet, sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your comment. Thank you for your kind words. life is about perspective, isn't it. God bless you in your blogging and putting your thoughts out for others to read. I'm constantly amazed how GOd uses our lives in unique and amazing ways. Thank you for responding to my post.
