Tuesday, February 1, 2011

voting, loving and soaring!

Wow!  I'm amazed that we have won such an amazing amount of money.  Thanks to all of you for expressing your love to our family by voting for Jayden, Brooklyn and Livia and many other children as well.  We don't know yet how this gene therapy will work, but we know that it holds amazing possibilities.  God will be glorified in their lives we already know that!

I am so amazed at the young people that have stepped up to help with raising the awareness of Sanfilippo.  Wow you guys just rock!  You make my heart soar.  God bless all of you for rocking our world.  For giving Jayden, Brooklyn and Livia a chance to live longer and richer lives.  In Isaiah 40:31 it says:

but those who hope in the LORD
   will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
   they will run and not grow weary,
   they will walk and not be faint.

So we find new hope today and find our strength renewed to soar on eagles wings.

Keep soaring with us!  God will be glorified through these precious children that we love so much!  Jayden, Brooklyn and Livia you guys rock my world.  I can't tell you how much I love these babies!  They are precious in His sight!  Thank you for your beautiful smiles you light up my life every day! 

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