Saturday, February 19, 2011

through the song of a little boy!

I was listening to Jayden the other day when he was playing down stairs.  I was upstairs and I heard him singing.  It was so sweet as he sang his song.  He sang about his Daddy and Bubba mostly.  But it was perfectly in tune and as I listened I was reminded of the verse in Zephaniah 3:17 ~ The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love.  He will rejoice over you with singing.  I wondered as I was listening to Jayden sing, that maybe God was rejoicing over us with singing, and maybe using the sweet song that Jayden was singing to do just that.  It seemed to me that verse made more sense that day as it came alive through the voice of a little boy.  It seemed to really change my heart.  I often wonder how God can so simply and beautifully speak into our heart and show us that He takes great delight in us, in me.  That He would use Jayden's sweet words to remind me.  As I sat their and heard him sing about Daddy and Bubba, I heard in my heart the words Abba Father.  What a gift that was for my broken heart.  That God must really love me to show me so simply and illustrate it so beautifully.  Abba Father really loves me, He really loves us!  He is still mighty to save.  He delights in us and he rejoices over us with singing!  It's not always the way we think.  Often when we aren't expecting it, He shows up.  Maybe in the voice of a little child!  Thank you Jayden.  Continue to sing your song!  It's beautiful to Him and to me! 


  1. Isn't it amazing how God uses the little things in life to lift us and teach us? How often those messages come from children rather than trained theologians--just like God to use the least likely.

    We just watched the last of the India videos. Another life-changing experience for Jut! Can't wait to hear his stories in person. What an amazing young man you & Ken raised. You gave him a STRONG foundation to set him on his way. His tender heart and willingness to serve others is beautiful. Just think of all the hours you invested in each of your kids and now you get to witness the ripple effects--their investment in hundreds of other people's lives. You were and are an exceptional mom and can now take joy in drinking in the fruit of your "labor"--no pun intended.

  2. Thanks Kathy for your sweet words. They really are an encouragement to me. I needed to read this again, to be reminded of God's goodness to us. Even when we least expected it, it seems He has taken and redeemed what maybe we tried to do for His purpose. We see God's goodness!
