Thursday, January 20, 2011

through the smile and the heart of a little boy!

Again I was reminded of God's faithfulness to me and to our family this past week.  It seems God continues to use my little grandson Jayden to teach and remind me and to point me back to Himself. 

We kept Jayden and Brooklyn over night on Monday.  On Tuesday afternoon Ken went to pick Jayden up from his bus stop.  He usually comes home around 3:00.  So by 3:15 and he still wasn't home, Ken called me and we both began to stress out a bit.  So I began to make phone calls to the school and found no answer.  So when 3:30 came and still no Jayden, the mother bear in me and the father bear in Ken came out.  I decided to drive to the school to get some answers.  When no one answered the door, I knocked and pounded until someone came.  I found out that Jayden's bus was hit by a car and the police were called.  Fortuneately, no one was hurt.  They had sent another bus to pick up the children and they would be to their bus stops momentarily.  So by 4:00 the bus finally came.  But in that hour, we were filled with much uncertainty, we worried and wondered and our minds obviously went in a thousand different directions.  What happened to our little boy!  I was worried than that Jayden would be extremely traumatized by the situation, by the police cars, the lights, and then the transfer to another bus.   But in Jayden style, he came off the bus smiling and singing the Bubba song.  Not a care in the world.

What a gift he gave to me, to us in that moment.   Even though he couldn't speak words, his heart spoke it all.  He said "Ama and Bubba you didn't have to worry about me.  God is in charge of my life.  He's is protecting me and my heart.  I'm ok."  What peace flooded my soul in that moment!  What a gift Jayden you are to our family!  I am the one blessed.  I'm learning to take moments and let God use them to teach me and remind me of His faithfulness, His grace and His love.  To remind me that it's not me who is in charge but it is He who is holding us and often cradling us in His hands.  He is in charge of all our starts and our stops.  Thank you Jayden for your winning smile, your big heart, your persistence in teaching me that God is bigger than this life.  You're right Jayden, He is in charge!  Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world ! 

"No pit is so deep that He is not deeper still! ~ Corrie Ten Boom

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