Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday morning happenings!

JJ is all done in!

Beeba enjoying a conversation with  ?       not sure who......hopefully she didn't call Norway!     

Ummmm, Ama I'm texting!  Don't bother me!

The pacifier club!

Want to join our club?

Ummm it's cold out here!

Please can we come in?

What do you think Lucy should we let them in?

OK guys you can come in!

We've got toys!  umm and your remote, Bubba!

Oh no! It's Bubba! 

No Bubba you can't come in!

What do you think Luce?  Should we let them in? 

Ya!  But hide the remote!

We love you, guys! 


  1. This is a good blog. Keep up all the work. I too love blogging and expressing my opinions
