Monday, December 6, 2010

Baby Jesus ~ wrapped in mercy and grace!

As I think about Christmas quickly approaching....I'm feeling a deep desire to worship in the stable, this babe who came wrapped in swaddling clothes and was lying in the manger.  My heart says to worship.  My mind says worry about all the preparations. I'm going to listen to my heart and worry less about the other.  The other will get done.  I'm certain of that. 

This baby Jesus came, not only wrapped in swaddling clothes but He came wrapped in mercy and grace.  A gift that was glorified.  His glory came down and offered us so much.  I don't want to miss the message and the gift He brings!  Even as the wise men brought gifts to him,  he came to give us himself.

Such treasures we find in Him.  He's given us His peace to rule in our hearts, joy to fill our souls, and a love that is so amazing.  What a gift He is to me!   I love a great treasure or maybe an heirloom or two, but much more than that, I desire to seek more of this baby Jesus who came wrapped in mercy and grace for me!

Like the song Heirloom ~ my precious Jesus is more than an heirloom to me!
by Amy Grant

Wisemen and shepherds,
Down on their knees,
Bringing their treasures
To lay at His feet.
Who was this wonder,
Baby yet King?
Living and dying;
He gave life to me.

Time never changes,
The memory, the moment
His love first pierced through me,
Telling all that I come from,
And all that I live for,
And all that I'm going to be.
My precious Savior
Is more than an heirloom to me.

My precious Jesus
Is more than an heirloom to me.

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