Saturday, November 20, 2010

surprised again by grace!

I've realized lately that God doesn't waste our pain.  I'm surprised by that.  So again I'm surprised by grace.  A blessing that I would have never looked for.  God is looking for open hearts that are willing to be used in whatever way He desires.  I had the opportunity to share my journey of brokenness and blessing with my brother Bruce's Celebrate Recovery group.  I was the one who was blessed and again I just realize that God uses us often when we least expect it.  I'm learning that He uses our pain, trials, suffering, brokenness whatever you want to call it, to invite us to experience the grace of God.   Sometimes I can't believe it.  I've had many opportunities to share my story lately.   It seems to spill out of me when I least expect it.  So that's the gift, the treasure, the grace of God. 

He wants us to tell our stories.  He's not looking for perfect people.  He's looking for openness.  Is that a word?  Oh well, you know, having an open heart to let God move in.  He wants our raw, broken, gritty, gutsy stories.  We all have a story.  God is writing stories in each of our hearts.  He's writing His story in me.  I wonder sometimes exactly what He's wanting me to learn and do with it.   But I'm excited more than ever that He's up to something good.!  I'm being surprised by grace on a regular basis and that's a good thing.     


  1. As a Newbie, I am always searching online for articles that can help me. Thank you Wow! Thank you! I always wanted to write in my site something like that. Can I take part of your post to my blog?

  2. Feel free to use it! Thanks for sharing, I appreciate your comment! God bless!

  3. I usually don’t post in Blogs but your blog forced me to, amazing work.. beautiful …
