Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Grace ~ a beautiful thing

God continues to remind me that He is in control.  My heart seems to fluctuate from doubting His goodness to embracing His heart. But as I seek Him, I quietly hear His voice. God is still good.  I've had so many opportunities lately to share my heart with people.  It just seems to spill out of me when I least expect it.  I can only pray that God will be blessed.  And that people will be affected and changed by our story.  That is really what it's about.  So as I continue to look for opportunities  I think that God is saying that He isn't going to take the pain away but He will use it instead in our lives. Maybe that's what grace looks like.  I wonder sometimes what grace means.  Maybe grace is when I can embrace who I am and find peace.  And maybe grace is finally letting go of my own failures and then realizing that God has already done that, that He never did keep score.  Grace,  it's a beautiful thing.  I'm glad that God loves me enough to trust me with sharing, extending and living out His grace. 

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