Friday, October 1, 2010

freedom ~ another treasure

It seems quite often as women we spend so much time fretting over things and carry burdens we were never meant to carry.  We are so good at making others feel guilty.  I'm learning that often the things we feel guilty for or allow others to make us feel guilty for is just false guilt.  As women we are born nurturers and often we have the gift of mercy and it can sometimes get us in trouble. Knowing to look at the difference is so valid and can be absolutely freeing.  There is good guilt that brings us to repentance when we've looked at it from the standpoint of God's word.  I think I've wasted so much of my life fretting over silly things that God never meant for me to carry.  I'm glad that God has been patient with me and has lovingly given me new eyes to see, new mind to understand, new heart to love.  I'm learning not to allow others to define me.  Unfortuneately it took sanfilippo entering my life to really force me to take a good look at  my unhealthy way of thinking.  God desires us to be set free and live life abundantly.  I guess I'm just beginning to understand what that looks like in my life.  I'm discovering each day God's design for me.   I am so thankful for a God who continues to surprise me with new truths, new understanding, new perspective and freeing me from false guilt to live life in a spirit of freedom.  He loves us that much!

Galatians 5:1 ~  It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

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