Saturday, September 11, 2010

pursuit of God

As I was thinking about the pursuit of God just recently,  it seems that God was reminding me, He has been pursuing me all along. Often I missed it and or didn't recognize it.  But his heart had been drawing me to Himself all along and probably when I felt the most abandoned.  As I look back on the last year, so often in the darkness, He would give me a verse, a song, an encouraging word, a beautiful smile, a sweet conversation, a hug, a tear.   I can possibly think that those were all coincidences, but really.....those moments I have to believe were God pursuing me. I had heard people talk about that, but I can't say that I had recognized that in my own life until recently.  I'm glad that God shows us Himself in many unique ways, but we're so busy with life that we dismiss it.  But He comes pursuing us, like a bridegroom his bride.  What a blessing that has been to recognize His pursuit of me.  That his spirit wants to indwell in me.  To take up residence in my life.  Wow what a blessing and what comfort that brings me. The latest book that I've begun to read is The Forgotten God by Francis Chan.   It's about the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives that has been forgotten.  Another great book, I highly recommend. I'm still working my way through this book and desiring to learn more.

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