Friday, September 24, 2010

more treasures in the darkness

As I walked through the last few days, I have felt again completely defeated.  It was a pretty rough few days.  I expected as we took Tyler to college that it might be somewhat emotional, but I never believed it would turn out so raw and humbling. It seemed like everything that could go wrong, went wrong.  From no place to park, to anger and frustration,  to a change in rooms, to Ken leaving me in Chicago to get a ride home.  Well, all that to say, that we did work through all the mistakes, frustration and hurt and we went back to Chicago the next night to see Ty. We were able to enjoy a wonderful Chicago evening with no stress and no agenda.  Ty seemed happy and was pretty excited about his upcoming year.  I pray that God will show Himself real to Ty this year.  Life has certainly brought many changes in our lives.  It seems that God is reminding me again that I can choose to see Him even in the hard and difficult places.  When I choose to see.....He shows up in unexpected places and I am blessed!  He simply continues to show me treasures in the darkness.  Treasures that are beyond my understanding for sure! 

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