Sunday, August 1, 2010

We celebrated 34 years of marriage yesterday.  What made it really special was that we were invited to a wedding.  What a great reminder as we listened to this young couples vows, of the vows we made 34 years ago.  The vows that were said were very sweet, especially when the bride said she promised to always do all the laundry.  I don't often hear brides offer that in their vows.  But it was especially sweet and very honest.  What an encouragement to be reminded of whats important in life and the vows we made so many years ago, are still what we believe.  I'm thankful for 34 years of a strong marriage.  Not that it's always been easy.  Certainly, difficult times have come, I assume no marriage is without struggle at times.  I'm thankful that God has been the center of our marriage.  Along with lots of laughter, honesty, being best friends, and most importantly Date Night.  Date night for us was something we started early in our marriage.  It's a great way to reconnect.  It's hard in the beginning to find the time, but so worth it.  So we continue to date on a weekly basis, even after 34 years! 

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