Monday, July 5, 2010

Jayden's eyes

As I've watched Jayden begin to heal this past week. I couldn't help but notice his eyes. I've found myself really looking into them. His eyes, about a week ago were distant and unfocused and it was unbearable to see them looking like that. But as this week has progressed it's been wonderful to see his beautiful blue eyes begin once again to sparkle. That gleam that was once there, is back again. I love to see his eyes when he smiles. He smiles with his eyes. His eyes light up a room. So I thank the Lord for Jayden and his beautiful blue eyes. I pray that his life and what he has been through the past 2 weeks, will not be in vain but that God will use him to shine His light. That his eyes will reflect those of Jesus. As I look into Jayden's eyes, I pray that I will see love, love of a little boy, love of Jesus. I'm so thankful that Jayden is going to be coming home soon. He will be running around his back yard and driving his truck and smiling with those big beautiful blue eyes. I can't think of anything better. I can only say thank you Jesus for this little boy who is a special gift, who reminds me every day what's really important.

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