Friday, April 9, 2010

Each day I'm learning something new in this journey of brokenness and blessings. It's an amazing journey, one that I never thought I'd be on. It has changed me in so many ways. It has slowed me down to where I want to enjoy each moment, whatever moment I'm in. I want to learn how to enjoy whatever experience I'm in and learn from it. I've been relating it to driving on a nice paved highway, driving as fast as I could to get where I was going without really enjoying the view or taking the time to pay attention to the view. Now I'm driving on a very different road, one that is quite bumpy, a road that I wouldn't necessarily have chosen to drive on. But I need to drive this road very slow, but maybe now I can look around and really pay attention to the view. I have missed so much because I've been more interested in getting to the next place or doing the next thing and getting there as quickly as I could. Often worried too much about silly things, that quite frankly mean nothing to me now. San Fillippo entering our lives has changed my outlook on life completely. Life has definitely become more fragile and more precious. I desire that God will be glorified in and through my life. As we prepare for the Boyce Benefit, I'm so humbled, by the gracious gifts that people have given. Many people are complete strangers, and have never even met Justin and Stefanie. But yet have given from their heart in unbelieveable ways. That Christ would be glorified in this event and in all our lives. Christ in us the hope of glory! That's His promise!

Colossians 1:27 ~ To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

God bless all of you who have given so much and so graciously!

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