Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I had a very unique experience today at Immanuel Church, I walked through the "Stations of the Cross" it was a very meaningful experience. I was touched by each step that Christ walked the last week before He died, while being reminded of His great sacrifice for me. At the end, I found myself kneeling, sobbing and feeling a real sense of brokenness. I was all alone in the room and I thought I was on hallowed grounds and wondered if the Lord had something he wanted to say to me. WOW....this certainly would be an appropriate time. Well, maybe He didn't speak out loud right then, but I wondered if I heard the soft sounds of sandaled feet in that quiet moment. It's often in the stillness that He speaks. The last few months I would say He's been more silent, but I believe that He continues to prepare my heart using moments like today to pour Himself into my weary, empty soul. The anguish and pain that we've experienced these past months, has often been more than we could handle. But He breaks through the dark places and offers treasures that are hidden in the darkness. Riches stored in secret places. I think that's what He did for me today. What amazing love! Thank you Jesus!

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